School News:
Picture Day is on Monday! Retakes will take place on October 30th.
We are looking for 4-6 parent volunteers to help with organizing the classes while they get their photos taken, from 8:30 AM until 2:30 PM. Please email [email protected] if you are interested!
Attention Parents: Please fill out the Walking Excursions Form on PowerSchool. This includes permission to participate in our Terry Fox Run on September 19th.
Toonies for Terry!
Students are encouraged to bring in Toonies for Terry next week to help us raise money for the Terry Fox Research Institute. Donations can be given to homeroom teachers or brought to the school office. Thank you for your support!
As fall approaches with its cooler and drizzly days, it’s important for students to be prepared for outdoor play. Sending them in layers is helpful, as temperatures can start off cool and warm up later in the day. On rainy days, an extra set of clothes is also useful, as the playground equipment may be wet even if it’s not actively raining. Thank you for helping us ensure that all students are comfortable and ready to enjoy their time outside each day!
HOT LUNCH is BACK! Please see the following letter for sign up information. You can head to to complete your registration.
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