École Dansereau Meadows School


Student Expectations

General Expectations


All students in Grades 1-6 are given one agenda purchased by the school.  Students are expected to use their agenda on a daily basis.  It should come to and from school daily.  This is an excellent tool for students to learn how to be proactive.

Lunches & Nutrition

Students are encouraged to eat healthy snacks and lunch items that are chosen with reference to the Canada Food Guide, and that treats such as candy, sweet cookies and sugary drinks are consumed at home rather than sent to school.  Any electrolyte or Sports drinks (Gatorade, Prime, etc) are not appropriate for consumption during the school day.  These drinks are designed for athletes who are participating in intense athletic activity.  Water is the best choice.  The school has water filling stations for students to use.

Students are not permitted to consume energy drinks at school.


Lock & Locker

All students who are assigned a locker, must sign a Locker & Lock Agreement acknowledging that the locker is the property of the Division, and are subject to random search at any time by school administration, or other school staff approved by the Principal.  Failure to sign such an agreement will prevent the student from locker use.    The school provides one lock to each student.  Lockers must be locked at all times.  If a student loses their lock, they will be charged a replacement cost for the lock.



In the interest of safety for all students and staff, students are not permitted to carry their backpack/purse/handbag around the school.  Students must lock these items up in their locker.



In accordance with the School Act and providing a safe and caring environment for students, it may be necessary from time to time to conduct student searches.  A Principal or designate may conduct a search of a student, school property used by a student , and student articles and objects based on reasonable grounds or  as a matter of school welfare or safety.


Dress Code

Students are expected to conform to a reasonable dress code suitable for a work environment. Anything worn that is found to be offensive to others is not appropriate attire for school.  Please see our Dress Code for more specific information.  Students are not permitted to wear their hoods on their heads inside the school.


Removal of Outdoor Footwear

In an effort to preserve the cleanliness of our school, we ask that all students remove their wet or dirty outdoor footwear when they enter the building.  Students are required to bring a separate pair of runners with non-marking soles for use within the school.


Bringing Items from Home – Toys, Collectable Cards, Electronic Games or devices and Other Treasures

Unless you have made special arrangements beforehand with your child’s teacher, please keep those ‘special items’ at home. They are very easily lost or broken in school.  Toys create lots of excitement and the result is often a broken or lost treasure and a heartbroken child.  If such items are brought to school and lost or damaged, the school cannot be held responsible.

We do have special days from time to time when children are encouraged to bring special items, but you will be informed about these beforehand.


*Please note that all of Black Gold School policies and procedures apply in addition to these expectations.

Behavioural Expectations

School Conduct Policy

It is expected that students conduct themselves in a manner which respects the rights of other people (i.e. students, staff, and guests).  This expectation extends beyond the school property to include school busses, school sponsored activities, and travelling to and from school.  The Education Act of Alberta (section 31) states:

“A student shall conduct him/herself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct:

  1.  Attend school regularly and punctually,
  2. Be ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue the student’s education,
  3. ensure the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging,
  4. respect the rights of others in the school,
  5. refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means,
  6. comply with the rules of the school and the policies of the board,
  7. cooperate with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services,
  8. be accountable to the student’s teachers and other school staff for the student’s conduct, and
  9. positively contribute to the student’s school and community.

Furthermore, the Education Act (Section 36) notes that students can be suspended if:

  1. the student has failed to comply with section 31, or
  2. the student has failed to comply with the code of conduct established under section 33(2)
  3. the student’s conduct, whether or not the conduct occurs within the school building or during the school day,  is injurious to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school or
  4. the student has distributed an intimate image of another person in the circumstances described in section 1(1.1).

Section 33(2) Education Act notes:

A board shall establish, implement and maintain a policy respecting the board’s obligation under subsection (1)(d) to provide a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that includes the establishment of a code of conduct for students that addresses bullying behaviour.


At Dansereau Meadows, we treat the infraction of rules and expectations with dignity and respect towards the child.  We believe that each child is unique; therefore, the procedures for follow-up and possible consequences become unique to each child.  Should there be a serious infraction or pattern of inappropriate behaviour, a parent will be notified and if required, consequences will be determined.


General Rules for École Dansereau Meadows School:

Field Trips/Extra-curricular Activities

The principal has the right to permit or decline attendance on field trips/extra-curricular activities based on a student’s attendance record, student conduct, and student’s grades/coursework completion.

Drugs & Alcohol

Students are prohibited from having in their possession: weapons, tobacco products (including vapes), alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs (including marijuana(cannabis) or edibles), and drug paraphernalia.  Students who arrive at school under the influence of  alcohol or illicit drugs (including marijuana (cannabis) or edibles) will be disciplined and sent home with their parent.   (Parents will be required to come and pick up their child.) The Principal may conduct random searches of school property, including lockers, to detect drugs, alcohol or tobacco.  Certified drug detection dog handlers may be requested by the Principal to conduct searches of the school.

Tobacco and Cannabis Free Facilities 

Smoking, vaping or consuming tobacco and cannabis is prohibited in any form.  This includes but is not limited to:  oils, edibles, vaporizers, snuff, electronic cigarettes, water pipes/ pipes, hookahs and other paraphernalia.  All Division premises and vehicles, buses, and all school sponsored activities will be tobacco and cannabis free.  APM162


Hands Off.   Physical contact is only permitted as a normal part of the physical education program and regular games.  No public display of affection is allowed.

Activities likely to lead to deliberate or accidental student injury are not allowed.  Such activities include, but are not limited to: fighting, play-fighting, pushing, shoving, tripping, kicking, biting, and running in the halls or classrooms.

Teasing and/or harassment are not allowed.  Such activities include, but are not limited to: name calling, knowingly spreading false information, humiliation, and intimidation.

Vandalism is prohibited.  Vandalism to Division property will not be tolerated and those responsible will be held accountable.  The student’s parent will be invoiced for any costs associated with the vandalism.  This applies, but is not limited to:  the school building and its fixtures; textbooks and other learning resources; and personal belongings of staff, students or members of the community.

Leaving School Grounds

Students must have written parent permission (See Parents-Forms Tab for Form) in order to leave school for lunch.  Students are not permitted to go to another students’ home for lunch.  Students are also not allowed to walk into town to purchase a lunch. Failure to follow these rules may result in losing the privilege of leaving school grounds.  Parents are responsible for students who leave the school with their permission.

Hand Held Devices & Technology

Black Gold Regional Schools has a policy on the use of cell phones and other electronic devices in order to respect an individual’s right to privacy, and the student’s rights to an un-disrupted learning environment.

  • Student cell phones & ear buds/headphones are to be placed in their locker during the school day.
  • Students are not permitted to walk around wearing earbuds/headphones or having them hanging around their neck.  These items must be kept in the locker unless a teacher asks students to use them with a Chromebook during class time.
  • Students are not allowed to make calls, text, listen to music or be on any social media during class time or at lunch/recess time.
  • Students are not permitted to bring their cell phone to the gym, locker room or washroom or on a field trip.
  • During an emergency protocol, all student cell phones must be turned off and given to the classroom teacher.  All communication during an emergency will be sent from the office.  The classroom teacher will return the devices once the protocol is completed.

Students are not allowed to use their devices during recess time.  Students are encouraged to be active and make connections with their peers rather than having screen time.  Student cell phones may be confiscated for the day if they are not following the rules as outlined above.  Multiple occurrences may result in the student not being allowed to bring their device to school.  If a student needs to use a phone, they can come down to the office and use the office phone.

All students must abide by the Black Gold Schools Admirable Use Agreement that was signed at the beginning of the school year.

Technology use is a privilege that enables student access to information and tools that enrich learning. This may be revoked at any time.



  • Students may ride bicycles to school so long as they ride safely and obey the rules of the road.
  • Students should walk their bike on the sidewalks in front of or behind the school.
  • Students must lock their bike/scooter up at the front or back bike racks.
  • The use of bicycle helmets is mandatory.  (It is the law.) 
  • The school cannot take responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles, however caused.


Students are welcome to bring scooters or skateboards to school.  Scooters must be locked up outside on the bike rack.  The school does not have adequate storage for these items.  There is a blue storage bin near the office for skateboards.

Bus Rules

  • All students are expected to follow the school bus rules and safety procedures as outlined in the Student Responsibility Card, which is given to each student at the beginning of the school year.
  • Students who cannot comply with these rules may be suspended from riding the bus.
  • Parents should inform the bus driver of any student health concerns that might cause problems on the bus.
  • Questions about busing should be addressed to Sue Timmermans at 780-955-6034.