École Dansereau Meadows School


  • March 21, 2022

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    Welcome to Principal’s Corner and to our Weekly Update. This past week was a busy one but we have more fun to come. Thank you to our Parent Association for starting our Hot Lunch Program. We also appreciate all our parent volunteers who are helping in the classrooms. I wish you all a wonderful spring break. Let’s hope we have warm weather and the puddles dry up! – Susanne Stroud, Principal

    Classroom / School Activities

    Students were very motivated to bring in food bank donations for the chance to throw a pie in a teacher’s face. Thanks everyone for your donations!

    Grade 6 and Grade 2 students shared some Reading Buddy time this week.

    Students had fun dressing up for St. Patrick’s Day. Some classes had special activities such as a treasure hunt. Click HERE for more photos.

    Students in French Immersion had so much fun with their Carnaval day. Next year we hope to include the entire school. Click HERE for access to more photos. Teachers may be uploading photos later today.

    Some more great times at EDMS this week!

    School News

    IMPORTANT Only 15% (19 out of 123) of our parents in Grades 4 and 7 have responded to the survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. We want 100% participation. Deadline to respond is April 1, 2022. Check your mailbox for your code and the link to the survey.

    Last week for rounding up ELECTRONICS. Check your house and office for any old electronics (monitors, tvs, computers, small office equipment, laptops, tablets, etc). You can also share this with family and friends.

    LAST WEEK TO DONATE! To donate online, click on the image above for the link. You can also donate on behalf of an organization. When you fill in your donor information, type in Ecole Dansereau Meadows School as the organization.

    Upcoming Events & Activities

    Students will assembly in the gym for our March Leader of the Month Assembly. Parents/guests are welcome to join us in-person or by joining our virtual Google link.

    Click on the image above to access more information on Ecole Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School’s programs and registraiton process.

    Our Stories