École Dansereau Meadows School


  • PATs & JH Final Exams

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    Students should get a good sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of exam days. Students are not permitted to have their cell phone, earbuds or smart watches in the exam room. Grade 6 PATs are marked as an assignment and parents will be able to see student’s exam marks in PowerSchool.

    Junior High final exams and Grade 9 PATs are worth 15% and are reported in PowerSchool.  Students must remain in the exam room until 10:30a.m.  Students need to bring a book to read if they finish early.   Students are to return their textbook the morning of the exam. Students can go home after the exam or remain in study hall. Parents need to complete the Final Exam form below to allow their child to go home. Students are cautioned that if their parents have given permission for at home study, they should not be downtown, on school grounds or loitering at other schools.

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