École Dansereau Meadows School


Hot Lunch

2021-2022 Hot Lunch Letter and Ordering Instructions

Currently we are not able to offer our Hot Lunch Program.  This will be re-evaluated later in the year.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our 2019-2020 Hot Lunch program! There are a few changes to the menus this year that we hope your child(ren) will enjoy. Our new hot lunch team has been working diligently to try and keep hot lunches fresh and fun!

The hot lunch online order system requires a small amount of setup time at the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to ordering hot lunch. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple. Vendors require orders to be placed at least a week in advance, therefore please make sure to complete hot lunch orders before each deadline.

Here’s how to get started…

  1. Go to edms.hotlunches.net
  2. Click click on the “Register” tab (You must register every year, it does not carry over). If you already have this year, just log in.
  3. Enter Access Code: EDMSHL
  4. Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child’s hot lunch order for the upcoming week).
  5. Click the “Register Now” button at the bottom.
  6. Follow the instructions to add each child from Grade 1-9 who attends Ecole Dansereau Meadows School. (Kindergarten classes do not participate in this program.)
  7. Once your child(ren) are registered, click on the “Orders” tab.
  8. Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren).
  9. Submit payment… We only accept hot lunch order payments online. No cheque or cash payments will be accepted at any time. 

We accept hot lunch order payments through Bambora (bambora.com). Online payment must be received by 11:00 pm on the Friday before the hot lunch date. We are unable to process late and/or unpaid orders.

**Please Note: Should you experience any issues with your Bambora account, you must contact Bambora directly to solve the issue.

For all hot lunch inquiries or to contact the hot lunch team, please email: [email protected]. Thank you & happy hot lunching!

EDMS Parent Association Hot Lunch Team