École Dansereau Meadows School


  • December 19, 2022

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    Welcome to Principal’s Corner. It was so wonderful to share our Christmas Concerts with you all. Christmas Concerts always put me in the Christmas spirit. Thank you for joining us. A+ to all the parents/guests who removed their footwear. Our custodians were so appreciative of your efforts to keep our clean and dry.

    We have one more week of learning before Christmas break. If your child is going to be absent this week, please contact the office or use the online student absence form. We wish you all the best this Christmas season. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! See you all on January 9, 2023.

    – Susanne Stroud, Principal


    Currently we have 66% of our parents/guardians who have not yet opted in to receive text messages. This means that you will not receive important school reminders or texts about the school in an emergency protocol (school evacuation, lock down, hold and secure, shelter in place, etc). The office will send out a reminder email this week if you have not yet opted in.

    Christmas Concerts

    Click HERE to access the folder with all our Christmas concert photos and videos.

    This Week in Pictures

    Students enjoyed some winter fun and went tobogganing on our hill this week. Click HERE to see more pictures of sledding.

    Our hallways are decorated with Christmas art.

    Junior High students took advantage of the warmer weather to go skating on the ice during Physical Education.

    Our Junior High students enjoy helping out in the Kindergarten room during CTF – Leadership. Thanks to our students for being such great leaders.

    Upcoming Events

    We are hosting a Family Math night with the theme of Dominoes Pizza and Dominos Math Games that will be facilitated by John Felling of Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks (www.boxcarsandoneeyedjacks.com) on evening of Monday, January 23rd. 

    This night is geared towards Grades K-5+, all ages and grades that will teach you games you can play with your kids to help with building of their numeracy and Math skills. The presenter with Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks will facilitate games with you and your kids that you can play all around the tool of Dominoes.

    All families that RSVP to attend will be fed 1 slice of Pizza/person, and will leave with a mesh bag of 2 sets of dominoes and a take-home booklet with the games that John Felling taught you throughout the evening. Please bring your own water bottle.  Students must attend with a parent or caregiver. It is a family-supervised event.

    Thank you to our School Council and Parent Association for sponoring this event.

    Black Gold Schools

    French Immersion Open House

    Are you wondering about registering your child in French Immersion Kindergarten? Be sure to join us at the Beaumont French Immersion Open House at Ecole Bellevue School on January 11, 2023.

    French Immersion

    Extracurricular Activities

    Community Services

    Thank you to Stephanie Bailey and our School Council for advocating on behalf of our school to bring this program to our school. Many thanks to the City of Beaumont for supporting this.

    The City of Beaumont has provided each school with two family passes for the BSRC.  Families can sign out the pass for one week and use the BSRC for free.  If the pass is not returned on the due date or if it is lost or damaged, a $20 fee will be added to your PowerSchool account.  The pass will be signed out to your child through our library Destiny program.  Once you fill out this form (click on image above), the librarian will sign the pass out and email you when the pass is coming home with your child.  The goal is to have as many families as possible use the pass so we will not reissue a pass to a family that has already signed it out.  Please return the family pass to the school office.

    AMH Education Services, Edmonton Zone, is proud to offer free addiction and mental health virtual programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth, as well as sessions for all adults. Click on the image above to go to the website. sions are for any adult wanting to support their own wellness, or the wellness of a youth they live or work with.

    Our Stories