École Dansereau Meadows School



Registering Your Child in School

Online Registration for New students to Black Gold

Required Documentation Checklist– Items to submit in order for your registration to be complete.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Most recent report card
  • Verification of residency: document showing parent name and local address. (driver’s license)
  • Legal documentation is required for the following:  Parental Custody Agreement if restrictions on access



Kindergarten Registration

Registration opens in January.  Check the Division for specific dates/times.

All spots will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis using our online enrollment system.  Birth certificate, proof of residency and custody agreement (if applicable) documents must be submitted in order for your registration to be considered complete.

Kindergarten – Our school offers half day Kindergarten programs in both English and French.  All programs will operate provided there is sufficient enrollment in the program(s). Parents will be notified via email as to their child’s Kindergarten placement in June.

There are no paper registration forms available.  All registration must be done online.  If you do not have access to a computer or require assistance with online registration, please come into the school and we will be happy to assist you.


Registration Contacts for Our School

Lorraine Weslosky

School Registration Secretary


Rebecca Aiken

Early Years Consultant


Diane Miles

Transportation Manager


School of Choice

Some parents wish to register their child at a school other than their designated school. 

  • The Board of Education sets attendance boundaries for each school in the Division to allow for the efficient utilization of school facilities and resources and to allow for effective program planning.
  • School of Choice requests are only accepted if space and resources are available.
  • When attending a “School of Choice”, school bus transportation is not available.
  • Parents must fill out a form for each child and submit it to the principal prior to April 15, 2022.
  • All requests are reviewed by the principals of the Designated School as well as the School of Choice.
  • Priority is first given to the students in our attendance area.
  • Parents need to submit a school of choice form annually which will be reviewed by the principals.  
  • Should it be determined, in the subsequent year(s), that space and resources are no longer available, the student will then be referred back to their designated school of attendance.  
  • You will be notified in June if your request is accepted or declined.

Please contact the school for a School of Choice form.